It is true that god is often depicted with a spouse in our traditional stories. However, on a deeper philosophical level, the supreme Being and the Gods are neither male nor female and are therefore not married. In popular, village hinduism god is represented as male, and God's energy, or shakti, is personified as His spouse-for example, vishnu and Lakshmi. god is everywhere seen as the beloved, divine couple.


hindus who understand the higher philosophy seek to find god on the inside while also worshiping god in the temples. Simple folk strive to be like a god, or like a Goddess. These tales, called Puranas, have long been the basis of dance, plays and storytelling around the fire in the homes to children as they are growing up. 


Usually hindus know that the Gods do not marry, that they are complete within themselves. This unity is depicted in the traditional icon of Ardhanarishvara, Siva as half man and half woman, and in the teaching that Siva and shakti are one, that shakti is Siva's energy. Siva is dearly loved as our Father-Mother God. They are shown as Married couples for people to live according to principles and both should love each other sincerely.

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