Hinduism is both polytheist and monotheist. That means hindus believe in many gods, but that they are all parts of a single god. This means that hinduism is both diverse, with an array of gods and rituals, but also united in the belief of a single god.  Hinduism has thousands of gods and many of these gods manifest themselves in different forms.

Brahman is the leading god and represents both existence, and non-existence. The three most important manifestations of Brahman are Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva. Roughly speaking, Brahma is the creator god. vishnu is the responsible for preserving creation. Finally, shiva is the god of destruction or nonexistence. Mantras are sayings that are repeated to gods, sometimes specific gods, as a way to ask for a specific outcome.  You can repeat these mantras to one of the deities at the temple. Verify that the mantra is appropriate for the god to which you are praying.

Japa is a way to clear your mind by focusing on a holy passage or the name of a god. Instead of asking for something, you are devoting yourself to the truth of what you are saying to accept the wisdom and serenity of mind that comes with it. You should count the repetitions of the mantra with a mala, a string of beads similar to a rosary.

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