Different kinds of coverings worn by Muslim women!!!

The whole country and the entire social media is busy in the debate of Hijab at this time. In addition to the hijab, Muslim women also wear an abaya, burqa or niqab. Often all these costumes are assumed to be one while they are separate. What is the difference between all these, let us know.

Burqa - This is a special dress worn by Muslim women. indian women usually do not wear burqa. It is commonly worn in Central-Asian countries and Afghanistan. In burqa, women are covered with sarapa (from head to toe). There is something like a curtain or mesh in front of the eyes so that they can see outside. The Taliban made the burqa mandatory for women in their previous regime, while this time it is emphasizing the hijab.

Hijab - Indian women are often seen in Hijab. In this, the head and chest part is covered by special cloth and the face remains open. Men also wear hijab in many places. The cloth surrounding the hijab is chador in which a little more face is covered than the hijab.

Abaya - The meaning of Aba is a simple-loose cloak-like garment. It is widely worn in North Africa and Arabian countries. indian women also wear abaya very often. Many women wear a hijab over an abaya, while many wear a niqab over it.

The niqab is the garment worn over the abaya. Nothing is visible in it except the eyes. There have been many debates on the Niqab. In some countries it is considered extremely fanatical. Nicolas Sarkozy, who was the President of France, has even said that the niqab or burqa is not welcome in France.

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