Uttarakhand govt strict on miscreants during Kanwar Yatra…

: The uttarakhand government has taken a tough stand against those who damage government properties during the Kanwar Yatra. The government has made it clear that the loss will be compensated from those people. For this, notices have been issued from the concerned police stations. The uttarakhand government has made it clear that damage to public properties will not be tolerated.

During the Kanwar yatra, public properties were damaged at many places, including roads, bridges, and government buildings. The government has said that recovery will be made from those responsible to compensate for the loss. For this, notices have been issued from the concerned police stations, in which the people who damaged the properties have been asked to compensate for the loss within 15 days. If they do not compensate for the loss, legal action will be taken against them.

No mercy for those who damage government property

The government has said that damaging public properties is a serious crime and those responsible for it will be punished. The government has directed the local administration to identify those who damage property and initiate recovery proceedings. The Kanwar yatra is an important religious event, and the government has said that it will make every effort for the safety and convenience of the devotees. The government has said that damage to public property will not be tolerated, and those responsible for it will be punished.

Certainly, this step of the uttarakhand government will have an impact on the activities of anti-social elements. Now people will think before damaging public property. For your information, let us tell you that 12 cases were registered during the Kanwar yatra in uttarakhand, out of which 11 were registered in Haridwar and one in Tehri. During the Kanwar yatra, 184 two-wheelers were seized, out of which 134 were in Haridwar, 30 in dehradun and 20 in Tehri, five four-wheelers were seized, out of which 3 were in Haridwar and 2 in dehradun

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