Why is butter important during krishna Jayanti?
Krishna Jayanthi, or Gokulashtami, is a joyous occasion that is greatly enjoyed by those who worship Lord Krishna. During this festival, it's customary to make and present butter to Lord Krishna. However, why is butter such a crucial component of this occasion? Let's examine the fascinating background and motivations of this endearing custom.
Historical Background of Butter:
It is generally known from ancient tales and scriptures that Lord krishna loves butter. A lot of people think that krishna offers butter mostly because he loves it. But there's more to the story than that.
Butter: A Sign of Liberty: A long time ago, the people were subject to high taxes under the rule of a king by the name of Kamsa. people were forced to give up even their household butter in order to pay these taxes since they were so exorbitant. But the people offered butter to Krishna, also called Kannan, as a sign of celebration for their newfound freedom when he vanquished Kamsa.
Krishna's Compassion: However, this tradition is not as simple as it seems. Even though he was raised in a royal household, krishna felt deeply for his Gokulam companions, many of whom were extremely underprivileged. He made the decision to share butter with his close friend, but the daily supply of butter that his mother Yasoda gave him was insufficient to support his buddies. In an attempt to have some fun and foster camaraderie, krishna started a lighthearted practice where he would steal butter from his own house and then sneak into the peasants' homes to distribute it with his friends.
Fun & Adventures: Krishna's mischievous antics occasionally extended beyond butter. In addition, he would play tricks like tipping over pots of curd and causing trouble. His endearing demeanor won the people of Gokula over, so even after he committed these transgressions, they were unable to hold it against him.

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