Devotees have been arriving at the country-renowned Maa Salkanpur temple since the morning of the first day of Navratri. So far thousands of devotees have visited the temple. The stairs of the temple are echoing with the sound of jai Mata Di. It is believed that the temple was built by the Banjaras. 450 years ago, Banjaras who traded animals were passing through here. When they were tired, they stopped here to rest and fell asleep while resting. When they woke up, the animals were not there. The Banjaras were wandering in the forest to find their animals. During this time, they found a girl, the girl asked the Banjaras the reason for wandering in the forest. The Banjaras told the whole incident, on which the girl said that if you go to the place of the goddess here and worship, then your wish will be fulfilled.

Mata gave darshan

On which the old man asked where is the place of the goddess, then the girl threw a stone, where the stone fell, the nomads reached there and saw the goddess and after some time they found the animals. After this, the nomads stayed here and built the temple of Mata. Slowly the process of devotees coming here started. Today devotees from all over the country reach here for the darshan of Mata.

80 km from Bhopal

Salkanpur Devi Dham temple is located at a distance of 80 km from the capital Bhopal. The temple is reached from bhopal via Kolar Dam or from bhopal via Obedullaganj. Here, along with the Mundan Sanskar of children, Tuladan Sanskar also has special importance.

Three options to reach the temple

There are three options to reach the temple, in which there are stairs, which are about 1400. While the trust has also built a road by cutting the hill here. Similarly, devotees also reach here easily through ropeway. The ropeway fare is Rs 80 per person for one way, Rs 115 per person for both trips, Rs 40 for children and Rs 70 per child for both trips.

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