Former bollywood actress mamta Kulkarni has been in the headlines ever since she started her spiritual journey at the maha Kumbh in Prayagraj on january 24, 2025. With the coronation ceremony of the actress, she has been made 'Mahamandaleshwar' in the Kinnar Akhara. She has reportedly performed Pind Daan at the holy Sangam.
Now, mamta spoke about her spiritual journey and being chosen as 'Mahamandaleshwar' of Kinnar Akhara. Speaking to various media platforms after her coronation ceremony, the actress said, “I was asked, but today I have been ordered by the superpower that I have to choose this. Today I will complete 23 years of meditating and tapping. I was tested a lot, I passed every question, then I got the title of Mahamandaleshwar.” Tears were flowing from Mamta's eyes while she was being made Mahamandaleshwar.
mamta Kulkarni changed her name after becoming 'Mahamandaleshwar'
Let us tell you that after becoming 'Mahamandaleshwar' of Kinnar Akhara, mamta took a new name 'Shri Yamai mamta Nand Giri'. Mahamandaleshwar is a special title reserved for Hindu monks of Dashnami sect. Its head propagates Sanatan Dharma. Kinnar Akhara was established in 2015 and is dedicated to involving transgender persons in spiritual fields.
Speaking to ANI, Laxmi Narayan opened up about mamta Kulkarni being appointed as Mahamandaleshwar and said, "Kinnar Akhara is going to make mamta Kulkarni (former bollywood actress) Mahamandaleshwar. She has been named Shri Yamai mamta Nandgiri. As I am talking here, all the rituals are going on. She has been in touch with Kinnar Akhara and me for the last one and a half years. If she wants, she is allowed to play the role of any devotional character. We do not stop anyone from performing their art".