In Kumbh, a woman is calling an Aghori sadhu her husband...

A family from jharkhand claimed on wednesday that they have found their lost relative in the Kumbh mela in Prayagraj and with this the search for the 27-year-old relative has now ended. The lost relative Gangasagar Yadav is now 65 years old and he has become an 'Aghori Sadhu' and now his name is baba Rajkumar. His family told that Gangasagar went missing after a visit to patna in 1998. His wife Dhanwa Devi raised their two sons Kamlesh and Vimlesh alone.

Gangasagar's younger brother murali Yadav said, "We had lost hope of seeing him again but one of our relatives who went to the Kumbh mela took a picture of a person who looked like Gangasagar and sent it to us. After this, I reached the Kumbh mela with Dhanwa Devi and her two sons."

Now will there be a dna test? Upon reaching the fair, the family encountered baba Rajkumar, but he refused to accept his former identity as Gangasagar Yadav. baba Rajkumar claimed to be a sadhu from varanasi and he and his sadhvi companion denied any past connection. However, the family stuck to their claim as baba Rajkumar completely resembles Gangasagar Yadav, even having injury marks on his forehead and knee that were identical to Gangasagar Yadav's.

Murli Yadav said, "We will wait till the end of the Kumbh mela and insist on a dna test if necessary. If the test results do not match, we will apologise to baba Rajkumar." Meanwhile, some of the family members have returned home while others are still at the fair and are keeping a close watch on baba Rajkumar and the sadhvi.

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