Does god exist? Or not? Scientific Proof of God's existence..!?

Does god exist? Or not? The question is not new. It has been going on for thousands of years in the evolution of man. In fact, many key events related to humanity have taken place with the argument that god exists. Even in this modern era, not only political, social, and economic issues but also around god decide how our lives should be. And.. let's put aside beliefs.. emotions about God. And.. what does science say? When the question comes to the screen, the answers are not very visible. There are arguments of theists. Atheists on the question of whether god exists. Or not? Leaving all this aside. Are you coming to doubt? That's where we're coming from. Harvard university astrophysicist Dr. Willie Soon is making an interesting argument.
 That is, his argument is that a mathematical formula proves the existence of God. If we look at the way in which certain conditions were favorable for the emergence of life, they do not appear to have happened by accident. He says that the universe was designed to allow life to survive. Referring to the Big Bang Theory, he says that when the Big Bang occurred, matter and antimatter were created. He says that the formation of antimatter in a smaller amount than matter was the cause of the emergence of life. When we look at the various elements of the universe, it is said that some higher power is at work. An example of this is the fact that gravity is in a balanced state, which strengthens this argument. If the same gravity were weak, wouldn't stars, galaxies, and planets have formed? If the gravity were a little stronger, wouldn't the universe have collapsed in the black hole? That is another question. If the proton-electron ratio were different, molecules like dna would not have been possible. The speed at which the universe is expanding must also be taken into account. He says that even if it were expanding too fast, life would not have arisen in the universe. When we hear all this, we remember Paul Dirac, a professor at Cambridge university who wrote articles in science journals about god a few decades ago (around the sixties). Commenting on god, he said, "God is a great mathematician. He used mathematics in a great way in the structure of the universe." This is a fresh argument.

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