Goddess Lakshmi is the deity of wealth, which brings ego into any soul. Lakshmi represents matter or material wealth of this world. Lakshmi is also the power of embodiment of Sattvam, which is for the knowledge and submissiveness before the Lord. It is not the question of male or female and husband or wife. It is the question of God and soul representing master and servant. The real bond between God and any soul is only master and servant as per Madhva.
As per the old tradition, the wife serves her husband like a servant serving the master (Karaneshu daasi). The statements in the scripture are based on the old traditions existing in the world in that time since relevance is very important. Traditions have changed and in the modern tradition husband is servant of wife. Ravana is a male but the horrible demon.
His wife Mandodari is a very chaste lady and is far greater than Ravana. The greatness depends on the qualities and subsequent deeds and not on caste, gender, colour, region, religion, education etc. The old tradition always reflects in the scripture since scripture was composed in the old time. You cannot bring the present traditions and disputes of gender etc., into the scripture.
The message of God to humanity is based on the then existing conditions of culture and traditions of the society. If God gives message based on some new conditions arriving in future, the then existing public will not receive the message in a palatable way.