Reportedly Indian leg-spinner yuzvendra chahal on saturday announced his engagement to Dhanashree Verma, as he shared the picture from his Roka ceremony. chahal took to social media to post a photo of himself and Dhanashree Verma and captioned the post "We said “Yes” along with our families #rokaceremony,” Wishes have started pouring in for yuzvendra chahal as the likes of virat kohli, shikhar dhawan and Bhuvneshwar Kumar were among the first ones to congratulate the couple.
Congratulations to you both god bless," india and Royal Challengers bangalore (RCB) captain virat kohli commented. "Congrats to both of you," india opener shikhar dhawan commented. "Woohoo. Congratulations you two," wrote Chahal's fellow india and RCB spinner Washington Sundar. "Congratulations guys," wrote india seamer Bhuvneshwar Kumar. Amid the coronavirus lockdown, yuzvendra chahal had appeared in a few Zoom workshops with his lady love Dhanashree Verma. On her official instagram profile, Verma describes herself as 'Doctor, Choreographer, YouTuber, and the founder of Dhanashree Verma Company'.
Last friday, yuzvendra chahal had expressed his excitement ahead of the 13th edition of the indian Premier League, which will begin on september 19th in the United Arab Emirates.The IPL is set to take place in three cities across the uae - Abu Dhabi, dubai and Sharjah. The detailed SOPs on the logistics and measures regarding quarantine and conduct will soon be released by the BCCI.