Captain Rohit Sharma's angry face..!?

Rohit Sharma, who headed india as a captain in the one-day international against the West Indies, has started his account with a win. Despite various rumors circulating that there is a rift between him and virat kohli, the way they both behave on the field has made it clear that there is nothing between them.
In the 2nd ODI, when Virat caught an incredible catch on the boundary line, Rohit jumped up and teased while playing the kohli dance, much to the delight of the spectators. For the past few months, there were few questions among the fans as to how are they two on the field. Now Rohit's anger and happiness are seen in the field.

 In the first ODI, Prasidh krishna who was standing at the boundary line was roasted by Rohit's swear words as he failed to catch the ball. This was recorded on Stump Mike. chahal also made captain rohit sharma angry in the 2nd ODI. While changing the fielders, Rohit told chahal to go for the boundary line. Then, seeing chahal slowly moving to his fielding position, Rohit said angrily to run fast to Chahal. These words were reported on Stump Mike and went viral on the internet. Fans have also been a little shaken by the reversal of Rohit, who has been hailed as a gentle captain and a talented captain.

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