The batteries of the generators used to power the illumination at Gaddaf Stadium, as well as CCTV cameras valued at millions of Pakistani rupees, were reportedly taken from the pakistan Super League (PSL), according to ARY News. According to reports, the fibre optic cables and other things seized are worth more than 10 lakh Pakistani rupees. The Gulberg police station has received a complaint from the authorities. 

Since that there is currently a disagreement between the pakistan Cricket Board and the interim punjab administration, this episode has made the PSL's situation challenging. Future matches in Lahore and Rawalpindi are in jeopardy as a result of the ongoing argument about "security expenses." Over PKR 500 million is thought to be required for the venues' security arrangements, but the punjab government is only ready to contribute PKR 250 million, leaving the PCB accountable for the other half of the costs. 

The PCB refuses to do so and maintains that the provincial government is in charge of paying for the security costs. The matches might be shifted to Lahore if the dispute is not settled. Ramiz Raja, a former chairman of the PCB, thinks that since the PSL is based on the home-and-away model, missing out on games in Lahore or Rawalpindi would be a major loss. The excitement among supporters will decline if a team plays in just one city.

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