Few players working against Rohit Sharma..!?

Two players are waging the Cold war as captain rohit sharma in the indian cricket team. It is reported that both of them are currently being removed from the Physio Agreement. Is hardik pandya behind this? The question has arisen. Those two players are ishaan Kishan and Shreyas Iyer. Of these, ishan kishan was an alternative player for a year. When he thought he would have a place in the t20 team, Jitesh Sharma used the indian team in two series as a wicketkeeper. ishaan Kishan left half of the South African tour, claiming that he had been depressed. After that, the indian team is preparing for the IPL, not participating in the local Test series. He is also training with hardik Pandya.
This is what stirred up doubt. Although they are said to be practicing together because they are in the mumbai Indians team, it is seen as an attempt to crack the indian team. Although he gave many opportunities to another player, shreyas iyer, he was not working properly. He continued to score in the england Test series and was sacked from the squad at the end of two matches. When the indian team management told him why he should take part in the local Test series, he did not compete in any match, claiming that he had back pain. Shreyas Iyer is said to be dissatisfied with his removal from the team. Both are working against Captain rohit sharma and coach rahul Dravid. They did not participate in the local competition. Already, hardik pandya has taken over the post of captain of rohit sharma in the mumbai Indians. He is also looking forward to the post of captain of the indian t20 team. Although this is not a big crack, is it the starting point for something? cricket critics are coming to the top.

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