important players withdraw from the IPL series..!?

Seven important foreign players have withdrawn from the 2024 IPL series. Four IPL teams namely Chennai Super Kings, punjab Kings, rajasthan Royals, and Royal Challengers Bangalore have been affected. Especially the Chennai Super Kings team has been badly affected. Now the league round of the IPL series has reached the final stage. It remains to be seen which team will advance to the playoffs. In this situation, four players from england, Jos Buttler, Liam Livingston, Will Jacks, and Reece Topley were recalled by the country's cricket organization. All four of them are returning to England. Similarly, Madeesha Pathirana from the Sri Lankan team went to Sri Lanka last week. Mustafizur rahman left for bangladesh two weeks ago. Similarly, Sikandar Raza from the zimbabwe team has also returned to the country.

 Seven foreign players left out of the 2024 IPL series:

 Jos Buttler - rajasthan Royals-England.

Madeesha Pathirana - chennai Super Kings - Sri Lanka.

Mustafizur Rahman - chennai Super Kings - Bangladesh.

Liam Livingston - punjab Kings - England.

Sikandar Raza - punjab Kings - Zimbabwe.


Will Jacks - royal challengers Bangalore - England

Reece Tapley - royal challengers Bangalore - England 

Chennai Super Kings are the worst affected of these four teams. The bowlers who took the most wickets in the team, Madisha Pathirana, and Mustafizur Rahman, are away, which has made the bowling of the team weak. That is why the CSK team has failed in the last few matches. Jos Buttler played an important role as an opener and veteran for rajasthan Royals. With rajasthan Royals yet to secure a playoff position, his absence has created a huge problem for the team. Similarly, royal challengers Bangalore, who have won consecutively in the last five matches, will stumble without Will Jakes and Reece Topley. Critics have said the team's balance will suffer. The absence of Liam Livingston and Sikandar raja from punjab Kings did not affect the team much. The team missed out on a chance to advance to the playoffs.

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