India's Fielding Coach for afghanistan Cricket team..!?

indian cricket legend ajay Jadeja has been brought in as a consultant by the afghanistan team ahead of the world cup series. Under the mentorship of ajay Jadeja, the afghanistan team put up a brilliant performance in the world cup series. Finishing in fifth place surprised many. Meanwhile, indian legend ajay Jadeja surprised many by working for the afghanistan team without getting paid a single penny. After this, in the t20 world cup series held in the west indies, the afghanistan team made history by advancing to the semi-final round. west indies legend Bravo was the main reason for that.
 Bravo's work as a consultant for the afghanistan team has been a huge help to the team. afghanistan will play a one-off Test against new zealand on september 9, followed by a three-match ODI series against south africa from september 19. The Test match will be played in india and the ODI series will be played in the United Arab Emirates. For this, sridhar, the former fielding coach of the indian team, has been signed as an assistant coach by the afghanistan team. He worked as the fielding coach of the indian team from 2018 to 2021 t20 world cup series. Prior to that, he was the assistant coach for fielding and spin bowling at the NCA from 2008 to 2014. He has also worked as an assistant coach of the indian team in the U19 world cup in 2014. He also has the experience of working with the punjab team in the IPL series. Thus, sridhar will work with the afghanistan team, which has created expectations among the fans. Sridhar's advice will surely prove beneficial to the spinners in the afghanistan team. Similarly, it is a well-known fact about the fielding of afghanistan players. Thus it is seen that sridhar has been contracted to fix it.

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