How much salary does an umpire get in an ODI match?
The role of an umpire in cricket is also very special. An international match cannot be imagined without an umpire. Fans often show interest in knowing the salary of an umpire. Here we will tell you about the salary of an umpire in an ODI match. Also, if you want to know how a person can become an umpire, then here you will get complete information about it.
Anyone can become an umpire
For your information, let us tell you that to become an umpire, it is not necessary that you have played cricket. However, you need to know about cricket and the rules of this game. Apart from this, your eyesight should be good and fitness should also be good, because the umpire has to stand on the field throughout the match.
How can anyone become an umpire?
First of all, you have to umpire in local matches. The experience of umpiring in a local match will be very useful for you. Then you have to register yourself in the state cricket association. After this you will become eligible to become an umpire in BCCI. However, to become a bcci umpire, you have to give an exam. The board conducts level 1 exam every year. For this, bcci also provides three days of coaching classes.
How much salary does an umpire get for an ODI match?
In international cricket, the salary of an umpire depends on his experience. The same rule applies to ODI matches as well. Umpires included in the elite panel get a salary of about $ 3000 per match. There has been no increase in the salary of umpires for the last few years. However, in the World Cup, an umpire gets up to $ 5000 for a match.