Actor karthi is on a jubilant mode with back to back hits the H.Vinoth directorial Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru, and the pandiraj directorial Kadaikutty Singam the rural flick, both becoming good comebacks. But he failed miserably with his last release 'Dev'. Then he bounced back with 'Kaithi'.
Next karthi has already begun shooting for his 19th movie, directed by 'Remo' director. This untitled movie is being shot at tenkasi, and an important major portion of the movie will be shot in tenkasi and Chennai. rashmika mandanna is doing the female lead role and the buzz is that the makers changed the title to 'Sultan'.
The team has roped in Hansika for a small crucial portion and they have kept this news under the wraps. The team is currently shooting in Courtallam and the surrounding areas.