Actor Sibiraj's last release Walter was a disaster. This was the last movie to be released in theaters before the Corona pandemic struck. The movie was helmed by debutant Anbarasan and bankrolled by prabhu Thilak. The entire movie was shot in kumbakonam andthe movie portrayed sibiraj as a cop and samuthirakani and shirin Kanchwala in key roles.


sibiraj is all set to be seen next on-screen in  Ranga helmed by debutant Vinoth DL and bankrolled by Boss movies and the latest official update from the team is that Ranga has been censored U/A and is being planned by the team to release in a leading OTT platform by August.

Ranga will feature mallu babe nikhila vimal known for acting in several malayalam movies and movies such as Kidaari, Vetrivel, and Thambi as the female lead and has music by debutant Ramjeevan. sibiraj is also acting in movies such as Walter and Kabadadari.

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