Despite being set during the Targaryen Civil war, house of the Dragon season 1 is unlikely to feature many dragons, as the Game of Thrones spinoff has already hinted. house of the Dragon, the first of several Game of Thrones spinoffs in the works, will depict the story of the dance of the Dragons. With its main plot set over 200 years before Game of Thrones, it's an opportunity to delve into a new era of Westeros history and focus on the house that, for the majority of the show's existence, only had one true key character.

The dance of the Dragons, which is central to the story of house of the Dragon, is a succession battle between two of king Viserys I Targaryen's (Paddy Considine) children: Rhaenyra (who will be played by Emma D'Arcy, with Milly Alcock as a younger version) and Aegon (who will be played by Paddy Considine) (whose casting as not yet been announced). The Targaryen Civil war divides the Targaryen dynasty, as well as the rest of the Seven Kingdoms, into two camps, each supporting one of the two contenders for the iron Throne.

Unlike Game of Thrones, where Daeneerys' three dragons were the first to be born in almost a century and ostensibly the last to live, house of the Dragon maintains a large number of dragons living and active throughout its period. This was a period when dragons were more abundant, and the dance was fought primarily on dragonback. This feels deliberate, especially the house of the Dragon release date poster, which depicts a hatching dragon's egg with a shadowy dragon lurking in the background, implying that the story is just getting started and the plots of civil war are being hatched, and that there won't be much dragon action.

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