Brahmastra, a movie starring Ranbir Kapoor, had a thundering opening weekend at the box office on september 9 and earned generally favourable reviews from reviewers. The movie held up well in the days that followed, which contributed to its eventual economic success. It appears that the biggie will now make its OTT debut. On october 23, it will reportedly begin streaming on Disney+ Hotstar. However, this has not yet received official confirmation.

Adventure drama Brahmastra is helmed by Ayan Mukerji. The biggie is the first instalment in a trilogy. The release of Brahmastra on september 9 assisted the hindi cinema industry in recovering from a string of duds. The Biggie ignited the box office with a global take of Rs 430 crore. The movie is scheduled to start streaming on Disney+ Hotstar on october 23., according to the most recent information. If this is the case, the movie will become OTT-only less than two months after it hits theatres.

The protagonist of the action-adventure drama Brahmastra, played by Ranbir Kapoor, is a simpleton with a special bond to fire. It is the first time alia bhatt has worked with the heartthrob and features her as the female lead. amitabh bachchan, Shah Rukh Khan, and nagarjuna are all featured in the movie's cast. Brahmastra 2 Dev will be the movie that comes after this. ranveer singh will reportedly play the title character in the sequel, according to rumours.

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