When the whole value of the theatrical rights is estimated to be close to 92+ crores, the movie "Godfather" produced a final-run revenue of near to 63+ crores. However, since the movie was made available on OTT, it has received a response that it did not in theaters. In particular, the hindi version, which initially flopped despite having salman khan appear in a guest role, is now dominating Netflix's ratings.
Right now on Netflix, the hindi and telugu versions of Megastar's "Godfather" are now trending at No. 1 and No. 3, respectively. Despite all the positive press the movie had back then, it is currently enjoying a fantastic welcome since it is set to remain in the top 10 on Netflix for at least a week. Overall, we must say that the movie is a smash hit because maintaining the top of the Netflix charts is no small feat.