This Contestant evicted from
bigg boss house suddenly..!?
All the fans were eagerly waiting for the end of Biggboss season 7. Now is the time. Accordingly, Archana, Maya, Mani Vishnu, Dinesh, and vijay varma have reached the finals of Bigg Boss. It is already predicted that one of them will be evicted by the middle of this week. Accordingly, vijay varma has left the bigg boss house. He got a yellow strike card for being a rude contestant at the beginning of the bigg boss show.
And Kamal had warned him severely. After that, he came back into the house as a wild card and started his game cautiously. maya also became an important figure in the alliance. It is obvious that he is acting in favor of maya in many places. It has been criticized and now he has left the house. Another eviction is expected to follow this confirmed information.
But it has no chance of being an illusion. He who should have been kicked out of the house at some point is still playing the game. It cannot be denied that the main reason for this is Kamal and Vijay TV. maya with their support has a high chance of reaching the final stage.