TikTok, a Chinese video-sharing app, took down a video by Saloni Gaur, a popular online star and comedian, on May 29. There was also a rampage between the community of Youtubers and Tik Toker which sparked by the video of a famous YouTuber Carryminati in which he roasted the tik tokers and his video was later removed from youtube which created a spark.

Gaur, who is known for her humorous persona 'Nazma Aapi,' had shared a video on the site containing jokes against China. Gaur retaliated on Twitter, criticising TikTok's freedom of speech. After a few weeks, the video was finally restored. However, TikTok was out of the nation in less than a month after the indian government banned the application on june 29, 2020.

While all thought this would be the end of the tik tok era a hope of ray was spread on them with many other apps like Sharechat, MX taka tak which has similar features and functions like tik tok. Even the tech giant facebook and instagram introduced such a platform in order to fill the void that tik tok has created. Now all those tik tokers are migrated to one or the other famous platforms and sharing short videos. Today focusing on this aspect the famous app share chat has taken the place of tik tok with 160 million users on its short video app Moj.

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