American scientists have created the world's first living robot. These robots give birth to children who are identical to them. Bio-robot research has long been a focus of scientists at the Universities of Vermont, Tufts, and Harvard in the United States. They produced the world's first living robot in 2020. It was given the name 'Genobots 1.0' because it was created using stem cells from the African species Genopus Lewis. These are only a tenth of a millimetre in diameter. These robots, which take the form of a back man, have the ability to move. Swims well.

As a result of ongoing research, the Genopods 2.0 robot was built in May. A research on the Xenobots 3.0 robot was released a few days ago by US experts. According to the article, robots are manufactured of iron and plastic in various countries throughout the world. We've succeeded in doing research to develop biological robots that are distinct from them. The Genopots 3.0 robot has now been developed. These are capable of giving birth to children who are identical to themselves. It may be feasible to cure humans who have been severely harmed in an accident thanks to this robot study. cancer can be cured by congenital abnormalities. We aim to find a solution to the problem of ageing.

Professor Nita Barahani of Duke university in the united states remarked, "It's risky if a genotype robot can give birth to a child who looks just like it. For the sake of humanity, we must halt harmful research and eliminate all live robots."

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