World Radio Day: License to listen to the radio??

The day of february 13 will undoubtedly be remembered by most people as Kiss Day, but there will be some selected people who would like to celebrate World Radio Day by kissing their old radio today. On 29 september 2011, it was decided that World Radio Day would be celebrated every year on 13 February.

Today, when we are celebrating the 10th World Radio Day, it is important to know one more interesting thing apart from the history of radio, the reason for celebrating World Radio Day. The thing is also such that most people will not know. Do you know there was a time when a license had to be made even to listen to the radio !!

License to listen to the radio:

One had to get a license to listen to the radio. Such posts were seen on Twitter, in which people had also shared pictures of radio licenses of the bygone era. After doing more research about this, it came to the fore that in fact a license was made to listen to the radio in those days. Just like in today's time a license has to be made to drive a vehicle. This license was issued by the indian Postal Department under the indian Telegraph Act 1885.

Two types of license:

This license was of two types, domestic and commercial. If you want to enjoy radio programs sitting at home, then you have to get a domestic license. If you wanted to listen or recite radio programs collectively, then a commercial license had to be made. These licenses also had to be renewed every year.

Without license:

The matter was not only that, if one was to listen to the radio without getting a license, then it came under the category of crime. There was also a provision to punish the accused under the Wireless Telegraphy Act 1933. However, gradually after the increase in other means of entertainment and the advent of TV, this licensing rule was removed. It is said that to save the existence of radio, the government had abolished the rule of license after 1980. 


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