What is Pegasus and how does spyware work?
Pegasus is an espionage spyware that israel sells only to government entities.

How does Pegasus work?
Even in the year 2017, a study came out in which it was claimed that this software can hack the phones of Android users as well. Pegasus has also had a dispute with Facebook. In 2019, facebook filed a case against NSO Group for making surveillance software.
Pegasus is considered to be the strongest software for phone hacking. On behalf of NSO Group, it is repeatedly claimed that the organization is not responsible for the misuse of Pegasus software. The group also claims that the software is sold only to "governments" and not to any individual or entity. For this reason, rahul gandhi mentioned this software in Cambridge. congress tried to make it an issue in many elections but it did not get success.
What is Pegasus Case?
A report came in the year 2019 in India. The report said that many veteran public representatives, businessmen, journalists, lawyers and ministers in india were under the surveillance of the software. Those allegedly spied on included congress leader rahul gandhi, election strategist prashant Kishore, two then Union ministers, a former election commissioner and over 40 journalists. None of these names has been confirmed by any official source yet. The opposition is attacking the central government on these issues. On rahul Gandhi's allegations, bjp has said that rahul Gandhi's mind is full of Pegasus.