These users will get special messages after 10 pm on instagram, this is a new safety feature

Instagram: Meta is adding a new feature to Instagram. This feature has been brought especially for the safety of children. Know what this is and how it will work.

Instagram nighttime nudges

META is continuously working to keep young children safe on social media platforms. A lot of pressure is being put on the company for this. Recently, Meta added some new features to instagram for the safety of children so that they will not see harmful content in Explore and reels, etc. Now the company is adding another feature to the platform for child safety.

According to the report, instagram is adding the Nighttime Najas feature for children. To tell you in simple words, the company will show a special message to children to stay away from the platform after 10 pm. The purpose of this feature is to prevent children from using the app late at night. The company will show a popup in which Time for a Break will be written, along with it it will also be written that it is too late, now you should close Instagram. This type of message will be visible only in child accounts or accounts of small children after 10 pm if they use instagram for more than 10 minutes.

It can't be turned off

Children cannot turn off this popup message, which means this is not an opt-in or out feature. The company will automatically show you this message which users can only close.

These safety features are already present

Instagram already has many features for user safety. The company has provided features like take a break, and quiet mode in the app to reduce screen time. By turning them on you can reduce your screen time.

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