What is CrowdStrike and what does it do?

Software is created by cybersecurity service firm CrowdStrike to assist businesses in identifying and thwarting intrusions. Numerous Fortune 500 businesses use it, including significant international banks, healthcare, and energy providers. Because it applies cybersecurity to internet-connected devices through cloud technologies, CrowdStrike is recognized as a "endpoint security" company. This contrasts with alternate strategies employed by other cybersecurity companies, which entail directly securing back-end server systems. CrowdStrike software is used by thousands of businesses worldwide, and it is installed on every computer in the company.

The solution is not easy

The important thing to note here is that domestic systems have not been affected by this issue as much as corporate systems have been. Microsoft is advising customers to try the classic way of recovering a system - shutting it down and turning it on again - up to 15 times in some cases. According to them, this method has worked for some virtual machine users, but is not effective for large companies where there are hundreds or thousands of systems and servers.

Another method has been described which involves deleting a certain file, and this method has been shared by CrowdStrike itself on social media. But this solution is for experts and IT professionals, not for regular users, so this solution can be difficult to implement.

To implement this solution, engineers have to log in to each data center, navigate to a certain CrowdStrike file, delete it and then reboot the entire system. This is also a big problem in encrypted systems, because where machines are encrypted, it is also necessary to manually enter complex encryption keys when booting the system. In such a situation, it can take several days or even weeks to recover millions of systems. Overall, recovering from this problem can be painful.

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