Apple is set to push the boundaries of smartphone design with the iphone 16 Pro Max, rumored to feature its thinnest bezels ever. The company is reportedly utilizing a new technique called Border Reduction Structure, aimed at minimizing the screen's bezels. This innovative process involves advanced engineering to reduce the bezel thickness while maintaining the structural integrity and durability of the device.

By adopting this approach, apple hopes to deliver a more immersive display experience, enhancing the overall aesthetic and functionality of the iphone 16 Pro Max. The result is expected to be a sleek, edge-to-edge screen that maximizes the viewing area while keeping the device's profile slim and elegant.

If the iphone 16 Pro Max's bezels indeed measure just 1.15mm, it will surpass the flagship Galaxy S24 series and the recently launched google Pixel 9 Pro XL in bezel thinness. This advancement is expected to significantly increase the display area, providing a more immersive user experience.

Apple's adoption of the Border Reduction Structure (BRS) process is central to achieving this minimal bezel size. BRS focuses on reducing the bezel thickness at the bottom of the device, enhancing the screen-to-body ratio.

Additionally, a recent tipster shared an image of a tempered glass display protector for the iphone 16 Pro Max. However, this image doesn't offer much insight into the precise bezel measurements or design features of the phone itself.

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