If you search these three things, you will be caught? 

google answers all the questions of every person. But do you know that you can also go to jail for searching three things on Google. Yes, today we are going to tell you about three such things, which can lead to jail. Let us tell you that whatever comes to our mind, we search it on Google. But there are some questions which google does not like.

What should not be searched?

For your information, let us tell you that according to IT Rules and government guidelines, there are some things that you cannot do on the public domain or searching them is prohibited. In fact, searching pornographic content related to children on google can cost the user heavily. Let us tell you that searching pornographic content related to children on google is a crime and strict laws have also been made for this. Strict action can be taken if caught doing so. In this case, you may have to go to jail for 5 to 7 years.

Making a bomb                   

Apart from this, searching for bomb making methods on google also comes under the category of crime. Let us tell you that if you are caught searching for bomb making methods on google, you can also come under the radar of security agencies. In this case, you may also have to go to jail.

Hacking tricks

Searching for hacking methods on google is also considered a crime. Let us tell you that google does not like to tell the methods of hacking. If caught searching for hacking methods on google, the user may have to go to jail. In such a situation, you should think many times before searching all these things on Google. At the same time, these are such things which can harm people. That is why searching these things on google is prohibited

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