Apple is going to recruit so many lakh people!!!

iphone production in india will open new employment opportunities. apple company will provide 2 lakh jobs in india by march 2025, of which 70% will be for women. apple wants to increase production in india by reducing dependence on China. Since 2020, Apple's vendors and suppliers have created 1.65 lakh jobs in India. In 2023-24, iphone production in india has reached 1.20 lakh crores.

Apple's manufacturing of iPhones in india will create two lakh jobs, of which 70% will be for women. To reduce dependence on China, apple is working with indian suppliers, who have already provided 80,872 jobs. A recent report said that in a few years apple has emerged as the largest creator of blue-collar jobs in India. According to reports, Apple's contract manufacturers Foxconn, Wistron (now Tata Electronics) and Pegatron have previously given direct jobs to 80,872 people in India. While suppliers like Tata Group, Madrasan, Foxlink (Tamil Nadu), Sunwoda (Uttar Pradesh), Salcomp, ATL (Haryana) and Jabil (Maharashtra) have created about 84,000 direct jobs.

Employment opportunities in the electronics industry

Apple's vendors-suppliers have created 1.65 lakh new jobs in india after the PLI scheme of the year 2020. apple is increasing its production in india, due to which employment opportunities are increasing in the electronics industry. Each direct job will create three direct jobs. According to reports, this can create employment opportunities for about six lakh people.

What percentage of the world's iphone is produced by India?

According to media reports, iphone production in india reached Rs 1.20 lakh crore, exports worth Rs 85,000 crore were made. india now produces 14% of the iPhones of the entire world, which was only 7% in 2022-23. In 2021, apple started assembling iphone products in India. This is the first time outside China. Since then iphone production in india has been increasing continuously. In China, apple has created more than 4 million jobs in the last 25 years through production lines and app development.

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