AI mission, know the govt's plan for next 5 years!!!

The central government has planned to install more than 10 thousand GPUs i.e. graphics processing units under the AI mission. These GPUs are called special types of computers that will help in running AI. Apart from this, the government will also develop foundational models with more than 100 billion parameters along with datasets based on hindi and other languages. These models will be used in important areas like health, agriculture and governance.

Not only this, AI curation units will also be created in more than 50 ministries to complete this mission. An AI marketplace will also be reated, where AI services and pre-trained models will be available. The government will also create special rooms for AI in different departments. In these rooms, officers will be able to learn how to use AI to make their work easier. The government will also create an online market where AI related tools and pre-learned models will be available. This will help a lot to those who want to create new things using AI.

Where is india globally?

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is growing rapidly around the world, but the US and china are at the forefront of it. These two countries are investing the most in AI and are also using this technology extensively. technology hubs like Silicon Valley in the US and government policies in china have played an important role in promoting AI. india is also moving fast in the use of AI, but it is still behind these countries. India's AI market is growing rapidly, and efforts like the Rs 10,372 crore AI mission by the government of india are giving it further momentum.

According to a 2023 report, india ranks fourth in the world in terms of AI development, with less investment and development opportunities than American and Chinese companies, but growing rapidly. AI in india is being used mainly in sectors like healthcare, finance, education, and e-commerce, and with this india is moving towards playing its important role in the global development of AI.

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