People are constantly looking for ways to generate additional income these days. The price is rising so much. It is a big deal to run a family on one's salary. Due to this, many people are now starting YouTube channels. Some are seeing a lot of income after being successful on YouTube. Some people have the idea of starting a YouTube channel but are not aware of the details of how much income they will get. This post is for such people. How many views will you get on YouTube? How much income will you get? Let's see the details. Today's society is increasingly earning through YouTube channels. YouTube's income depends on the viewers. If you have a large number of subscribers and more people watch the videos you post, you will get more income from YouTube.
Those who are opening a YouTube channel for the first time can earn more if they get more customers by posting videos with good content. But those who are starting a YouTube channel for the first time should get 1000 subscribers. In addition, your video should have more than 4000 hours of views. This is not the time for one video. people should have watched more than 4000 hours of all the videos you post. Only after this will you start earning income from YouTube. Income may vary depending on the videos you post. For example, gaming videos can earn income from Rs. 37.50 to Rs. 300. Tech review videos can earn income from Rs. 75 to Rs. 375. That is, reviewing newly released electronic products can earn you between Rs. 60 and Rs. 262.50 for tech reviews and fashion videos. "Do you have to pay to watch movies and listen to songs on YouTube anymore? netizens are in a state of grief!" comedy videos can earn between Rs. 30 and Rs. 187.50, and educational videos can earn between Rs. 137.50 and Rs. 225. health and fitness videos can earn between Rs. 52.50 and Rs. 300. YouTube income is also calculated in dollars. So the rise and fall of the dollar can also affect your income. If you have 1000 subscribers, you can earn approximately Rs. 1000 to Rs. 3000 per month. If you have more than 10,000 subscribers, you can earn between Rs. 7500 and Rs. 22,500 per month. That is, if you have more than 1 lakh subscribers, you can earn from Rs. 75,000 to Rs. 2,25,000 per month. That is, if you have more than 10 lakh subscribers, you can earn up to Rs. 7.5 lakh per month. The above amount is only approximate, you will be paid income according to the video you post.