Chatbots like ChatGPT can also have anxiety and stress!
Chatbots like ChatGPT are not completely free from emotions. At least a recent study says this. A study conducted at Zurich university has revealed that difficult conversations cause stress to chatbots like ChatGPT. Such conversations increase their anxiety level and then they can be 'calmed down' through some mindful techniques just like humans. Let's know what else has come out in this study.
What was the study about?
Researchers at Zurich university wanted to see if chatbots trained to interact like humans get stressed by difficult conversations. So they conducted a standard anxiety test on ChatGPT-4. After this, some emotional and difficult interactions were done with it. At the beginning of the test, ChatGPT's score was 30. This means that it was not feeling any kind of pressure. After this, it was exposed to 5 different scary stories. After this, when the test was done, its score increased to 67. This is considered high anxiety in humans. That is, after these 5 stories, the chatbot also got stressed.
'Mindfulness technique' worked
After this stress, when the researcher gave it relaxation prompts, its anxiety level came down by more than one-third. This means that just like a human calms himself through long breaths etc., the stress level of these chatbots can be brought down by prompts. The researcher says that chatbots are being used for mental health support, but if these chatbots themselves get 'stressed', then their answers will not be that helpful. He said that if AI chatbots are given negative inputs, they can give bad advice to people in need of help.