Wrong online game? Government will block!
The IT Act gives the government the power that if a website is a threat to the unity, security, or law and order of the country, then the government can block that link. To close the website, the government works according to the 'Information technology (Procedure and Safeguards for Blocking for Access of Information for Public) Rules 2009'. That is, the government cannot close any website without any reason.
The government has ordered the closure of 1298 websites related to online betting, gambling and gaming websites (including mobile apps) between 2022 and 2024.
NCRB: Keeps data of crime, but not of online gaming!
The government said that the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) does not have any separate or special data of suicide cases related to online gaming. This bureau usually keeps records of common crimes and suicide cases, but the NCRB does not tell how many people committed suicide due to online gaming addiction.
NCRB is an organization that tells how many and what kind of crimes happen in our country. This organization publishes a report called 'Crime in India'. It collects data of different types of crimes from across the country, such as theft, murder, kidnapping and cyber crime. NCRB has an online system called CCTNS (Crime and criminal Tracking Network and Systems), in which information about crimes and criminals across the country is stored.