music composer Anirudh's sister is now a victim of social media Trolls and Memes. Recently, the PSBB school harassment issue has gone out of hand and the news has gone viral. Immediately, netizens started to make memes and trolls against the school and they found an advertisement video regarding that school. In that video, we can see a groom coming to meet a bride for an alliance.

The groom introduces himself and about his work. But the bride asks where he completed his schooling and he answers PSBB and he is a proud student of YGP. Immediately, the bride says we can marry next month itself. This video has been trolled ruthlessly on social media with several memes and as a template for several trolls as well. But on a shocking note, the bride character is done by music composer Anirudh's sister.

The trolls and memes have been shared and immediately one of the netizens dug the past and found an old photo of anirudh with her sister and the same photo is again going viral. Already the school is under a bad name and there are people making several accusations out of it. Now, this issue has again been blown out of proportion. social media is now flooded with PSBB memes and trolls and Anirudh's sister is a victim.

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