Reba monica John grabbed everyone's attention with her entry in tamil Cinema with 'Bigil' film and she got even more fame with the independent music video 'Kutty Pattas' which was composed by Santosh Dhayanidhi. Reba john was already famous for modeling and she acted in some Saree shop advertisements along with star actress Anu Emmanuel.

Now, she is slowly getting some chances in the tamil, Mallu, and kannada movie industries. Reba monica is having 992K followers on instagram and she is also inside her home due to lockdown restrictions. However, she has shown her skill during the death anniversary of Late actor sushanth Singh. Reba monica John is a professional guitar player and she crooned for the song 'Woh Din' from Sushant Singh's 'Chichhore' movie. 

Fans have been mesmerized due to Reba monica John's soothing voice for that melody number. She also responded to fans in the comments section and said she is working in two movies in tamil and they are 'FIR' and 'Malayil Nenaigiren'. She also told her fans she is slowly signing movies in malayalam and kannada film industry and hearing one-liners too. The song which she had posted has grabbed more than 43K likes on her insta account.

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