A guy from the Theni district in tamil Nadu has shocked the entire place by sticking his death posters all over the town. In fact, he has been the talk of Theni town itself as his death poster has gone virally on social media. Anumandhanpatty village is located in the Theni district and mithun who is 26 years old lives in this village. He is a jobless jack and is quite active on various social profile platforms.

His hobby is to keep lots of whatsapp Status and watch out for how many viewers have seen his status and so on. In this case, everyone in his village was shocked on seeing his death poster on his whatsapp status. His tearful tribute poster went viral among all his family members and relatives and soon everyone started visiting his residence.


Mithun was absolutely shocked to see all relatives gathered at his home and he cooly replied to all of them that he did it for fun sake and to create some attention on social media. Every one of his relatives got annoyed and bashed him. But mithun who was cool said casually that he did such a thing to check who and all cared for him really. So, all his relatives warned him not to repeat such things again and they left the place.

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