The super-hit movie "The Jurassic Park," directed by the late stephen Spielberg, has sparked numerous sequels. This fantasy and sci-fi picture, which is based on Michael Crichton's novels, completely startled the globe when it debuted in the 1990s. There are still a lot of cult followers of this series today. But after seeing the most recent Jurassic movie, "Jurassic World Dominion," one would undoubtedly exclaim, "Oh no! It's time to stop producing these movies.

When the trailer for Dominion was published, it appeared that the most recent instalment in the Jurassic World series had promised an outright exhilarating action with breathtaking special effects. But within the film, not only was the plot quite slow, but dinosaurs also took a significant backseat, making room for the big locusts to command the audience's attention. In addition, the plot does not address the idea of humans and dinosaurs coexisting together, but rather issues related to the world's inadequate food supply. Additionally, the cliches in the pathetically written story have greatly annoyed the fans, who were also greatly bored by the plodding screenplay.

Most moviegoers and eminent reviewers did not enjoy the movie and demanded that the producers cease making more dinosaur movies because they only frustrate them. Instead of these convoluted plots and fresh situations, perhaps a frame-for-frame recreation of the original Jurassic Park films from the 1990s with beautiful new visual effects added to it would really work really well.

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