She posed with a picture of a pink flower in her palm in the third image. A flower emoji was used as the post's caption by Disha. Following the viewing of the images, many said that a fire emoji would have made a better caption choice than a flower. Disha is currently anticipating the release of her upcoming movie Ek Villain Returns on the career front. She also has roles in Project K with prabhas and Yodha with Sidharth Malhotra.
There is no need to introduce Disha Patani's passion for exercise. Her instagram posts unmistakably demonstrate the actress's status as a fitness devotee. The actress uploaded a few mirror photos of herself on Tuesday, and they show off her amazing abs. Disha can be seen in one of the images sporting a bikini and a pair of slacks. She poses in red swimwear in another. disha patani is seen holding a rose in the third image. Disha's instagram followers showed their adoration for the photos in spades. Emojis of the fire and heart are abundant in the comments.