Sini Shetty, a 21-year-old kannada beauty, was named the prestigious VLCC Femina Miss india World for the year 2022. She won the title by defeating 30 other competitors who represented different indian states. Shinata Chauhan of Uttar Pradesh and Rubal Shekhawat of rajasthan were named first and second runners-up, respectively. Although Sini Shetty was born in mumbai, she is of karnataka descent.

She had already won the Femina Miss karnataka 2022 title, which would have allowed her to compete for her state's Miss india crown in the finals. Sini is pursuing her CFA while also holding a bachelor's degree in accounting and finance. The intelligent beauty has received training in Bharatanatyam dance.

Sini undertook demanding training and grooming sessions in mumbai after winning the Femina Miss karnataka 2022 title, under the guidance of the best in the business. She has more than 70K followers on Instagram, where she is highly popular. She will represent india in the philippines in Miss World 2022. The VLCC Femina Miss india grand finale took place yesterday night in mumbai at the jio World Convention Center. The jury included former models turned bollywood actors Neha Dhupia, Dino Morea, and malaika arora, as well as choreographer Shiamak Davar, designers Rohit gandhi and rahul Khanna, and former cricketer Mithali Raj.

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