Avinash Gowarikar, a well-known celebrity photographer, published a behind-the-scenes snap from the shoot yesterday. We can see Allu Arjun's ponytail in that picture. Today, a few additional images from the sets were made public. We can observe his beautiful hairdo and jewellery in these pictures. Fans eagerly anticipate seeing Allu Arjun's full outfit in the advertisement after seeing these sneak peeks. But before we can see it, we have to wait a few more days.
On Instagram, allu arjun posted a picture of himself smoking a cigar. He shared it and added the statement "cigar smoking is harmful to health." His admirers immediately began speculating that the image might be of him from the pushpa sequel as soon as he released it. He posted the image and captioned it, "Caution: Cigar smoking is extremely harmful to health." Allu can be seen in the image donning a black leather jacket over a red shirt. He sported black goggles as an accessory, and his hair was half white.