In the female lead part of the nagarjuna and Nani-starring movie Devadas, bollywood actress akanksha Singh wowed the audience. In Meet Cute, the directorial debut of Nani's sister Deepthi Ghanta, akanksha Singh is back. Aakanksha Singh, who has been in a number of South Asian films as well as Runway 34 and badrinath Ki Dulhania, views herself as an actor who enjoys adopting different personas.

The attractive woman is also skilled at adding flavour to a situation. akanksha Singh's most recent photo shoot is hot enough to raise the temperature in the area. akanksha Singh modelled in a sombre session for renowned celebrity photographer Shreyans Dungawal while wearing a black bralette top with string straps. The picture's mesh hand gloves act as a counterbalance to the teal backlight and the ominous black mood.

The photographer adds that their original intention was to take some breath-taking photos near the beach, but the mumbai rains forced them to complete this shoot at his own studio. There are more photos from the series, which ended up being one of the greatest for Akanksha. Together, singer mika singh and akanksha Puri, his "vohti," observed Ganesh Chaturthi. They are seen standing together in photos from the celebrations that the Vighnaharta Ganesha actress shared. For Ganpati darshan, akanksha went to Mika's house. He shared lovely pictures on instagram Story with the remark, "Thank you mika singh for such amazing Ganpati darshan."

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