In addition to amitabh bachchan and Neena Gupta, rashmika Mandanna's bollywood debut flick Goodbye is now being promoted in Mumbai. As a result of fan demand, the actress performed her well-known song Saami Saami from the hit movie pushpa today while promoting her hindi flick. The actress and her followers can never get enough of Allu Arjun's Srivalli.

Rashmika Mandanna grooved to the hook step of Saami Saami from pushpa while promoting her hindi film Goodbye. On Saami Saami, the actress may be seen displaying her best facial expression and dance routines. She is pictured wearing a crop top with ethnic patterns paired with a pair of red, high-waisted slacks. She completed the ensemble with a ponytail and a pair of golden hoops as accessories.

The family drama movie is an endearing story that highlights the ups and downs, chaos, drama, and love that exist in every family. Elli AvrRam, sunil Grover, Sahil Mehta, and abhishek Khan all have significant roles in the movie. produced in collaboration with Good Co. by Ektaa R. Kapoor's balaji Motion Pictures. On october 7, 2022, GoodBye will be released in theatres all around the world. Speaking of rashmika Mandanna's career, she will soon resume filming pushpa The Rule, the allu arjun and Pushpa: The Rise sequel, in the South. Recently, there was a puja ceremony to introduce the movie.

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