The punjab police filed a FIR in this case under section 66(E) of the Information technology Act and section 354C of the indian Penal Code to investigate the alleged leak of multiple inappropriate films of female students at chandigarh University (IPC). Similar to this, an IIT bombay canteen employee was detained for reportedly recording a female resident of the institute's hostel while she was in the restroom. Section 354C has been utilised to arrest the defendant (voyeurism).

Describe Section 354C.
According to IPC Section 354C (voyeurism), "Any man who watches, or captures the image of a woman engaging in a private act in circumstances where she would normally have the expectation of not being observed either by the perpetrator or by any other person at the perpetrator's behest, or disseminates such image shall be punished on first conviction with imprisonment of either description for a term which shall not be less than one year, but which may extend to t

Describe voyeurism.
Voyeurism is defined as "seeing and/or photographing the image of a girl or woman engaged in intimate actions, where she believes that no one is watching her, is a crime" in section 354C of the indian Penal Code, 1860. This includes any woman who is engaged in a sexual act, using the restroom, undressed, or in her underwear.

Incident at chandigarh University

A three-person, all-female special investigation team was created by the punjab police on monday to look into claims made by chandigarh University students that a hosteller had taken unpleasant videos of female students in the communal restroom.

The police today recovered offensive videos of the girl, despite earlier claims that the accused only shared her private video with her putative boyfriend in shimla and that no other videos were discovered on her phone.

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