rashmika mandanna and vijay deverakonda recently took a delightful vacation to the Maldives. The two are currently at the island country even though they were seen there separately. The pushpa actress shared a sun-kissed photo of herself relaxing next to the pool on instagram on october 8. She's pictured taking pictures with the brunch spread. Fans want to know if vijay deverakonda took the photo.

Vijay Deverakonda and rashmika mandanna have insisted that they are close friends. On social media, though, there have been rumours regarding their relationship. rashmika mandanna posted a sun-kissed photo from the island nation to instagram on october 8. The actress is seen donning a floral maxi dress with torso-area cutouts. Did vijay deverakonda become Rashmika's rumoured girlfriend's photographer? Fans are eager to learn more.

Goodbye, rashmika Mandanna's first bollywood film, premiered on october 7. Despite positive reviews, the movie is having trouble drawing audiences to the theatres. She has the films pushpa 2 by Allu Arjun, Mission majnu by Sidharth Malhotra, and Animal by ranbir kapoor in her collection. When vijay deverakonda was last on screen, it was in the critically and commercially disastrous film Liger. There have been numerous rumours that his upcoming movie, JGM, starring puri jagannadh, has been put on hold due to Liger's subpar performance.

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