Monster, the upcoming film by malayalam actor mohanlal, is keenly anticipated by his audience. Before the movie's october 21 release, there were numerous rumours that it wouldn't be shown in gulf nations because it contains LGBTQ themes. In the midst of the debate, mohanlal posted a Malayalam-language video on social media where he discussed the movie.

In his next crime thriller, Monster, mohanlal will be seen in a never-before-seen role. In the movie's teaser, the actor can be seen speaking fluent punjabi while sporting a turban and a beard. According to recent reports, the movie has been banned in the gulf because to its LGBTQ content. Although mohanlal avoided explicitly addressing the subject, he did discuss the movie and his characters.

You may read the loosely translated english video here "This movie, in my opinion, is unique for an actor. There are a lot of unexpected elements in this movie. All movies have those, but this one is particularly unique because of its very subject. Perhaps this is the bravest attempt at a movie on a similar subject ever made in malayalam film. The protagonist and antagonist of this movie are the screenplay. This is all I can say about the movie. An actor rarely gets to work on such films. I'm overjoyed to have played a part in this movie."

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