Guinness World Record: 1,140 claps in one minute!!!
How many times can one clap in a minute? You can get the answer in 20, 50 or at most 100-200. If someone asks you this, then you will also have the same answer, but a person has created a Guinness World Record by playing more than a thousand applause in 1 minute. While making the record of clapping, this boy played 1,140 applause in 1 minute.
The name of this boy who holds the record of speed clapper is Dalton Meyer. Earlier, the record for clapping the most in 1 minute was in the name of Eli Bishop, who made a record of clapping 1,103 times in a minute. Dalton Meyer told that after watching the video of Kate French, who was the world's fast clapper, he became interested in it and then Dalton set the record for the fastest clap.
Dalton used the technique of clapping the wrists used by Eli Bishop to create the record. In this wrist-clapping technique, the fingers of one hand have clapped on the palm of the other hand. Meyer used Charm media cameras to record this video. Recorded using Charm Media's equipment, the video made it easy to set a Guinness World Record for the record and determine whether the video was accurate in both slow-motion and real-time.