On Friday, bipasha basu and karan Singh Grover welcomed a daughter into the world. Today, the couple officially announced the news and sent a touching statement of greeting to the newborn child. The infant's name has also been given by the parents. The pair used instagram to formally declare the same. The infant has been given the name "Devi Basu Singh Grover." "The physical embodiment of our love and blessings of Ma is here right now and she is Divine," Bipasha and karan said in a joint post. karan (sic) and Bipasha
On the Alone set, Bipasha and karan Singh got to know one another. They were wed in april 2016. On august 16, Bipasha disclosed her pregnancy and her growing baby belly. Additionally, she had uploaded some beautiful shots from her pregnancy shoot. Recently, on november 6, alia bhatt and ranbir kapoor also welcomed a daughter into the world. Bipasha and karan Singh also welcomed a female child into the world within a week.
Let's look back and remember the days when Bipasha provided maternity fashion goals with her own style as the actor enjoys her parenthood journey. Consider the maternity images she posed for, when she wore a strapless, sparkly copper dress that was tied at the bust. She created this amazing look by leaving her waves open and accessorising with glam makeup and glittering hoops.
On the Alone set, Bipasha and karan Singh got to know one another. They were wed in april 2016. On august 16, Bipasha disclosed her pregnancy and her growing baby belly. Additionally, she had uploaded some beautiful shots from her pregnancy shoot. Recently, on november 6, alia bhatt and ranbir kapoor also welcomed a daughter into the world. Bipasha and karan Singh also welcomed a female child into the world within a week.
Let's look back and remember the days when Bipasha provided maternity fashion goals with her own style as the actor enjoys her parenthood journey. Consider the maternity images she posed for, when she wore a strapless, sparkly copper dress that was tied at the bust. She created this amazing look by leaving her waves open and accessorising with glam makeup and glittering hoops.